Lama Tak Terdengar Kabar, Slamet dan Nenek Rohaya Muncul dengan Foto yang Bikin mengejutkan...!!!

Several months ago, the name Slamet and Grandma Rohaya became a warganet discussion.

This is because both married despite his age far adrift.

The 16-year-old Slamet would marry a 71-year-old grandmother named Rohaya.

The teenager is a resident of Karangendah Village, Lengkiti Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatera Province.

So viralnya their story in cyberspace, Slamet and Grandmother Rohaya to be invited directly to Jakarta to attend Black Trans 7 White event.

At that time, the show was still guided by Deddy Corbuzier and Chika Jessica.

Nama pasangan beda generasi itu memudar seiring dengan berjalannya waktu.

Baru-baru ini, nama keduanya kembali mencuri perhatian warganet.

Hal ini dikarenakan beredar foto terbaru pasangan unik tersebut.

Fotonya sendiri diunggah oleh akun Instagram @ndorobeii, Minggu (4/3/2018) kemarin.

Dalam foto tersebut, terlihat Slamet mengenakan kemeja warna hijau dan memegang sebatang rokok di tangan kanannya.

Sementara Nenek Rohaya mengenakan baju warna pink dan memangku sebuah kardus.

Keduanya terlihat duduk di bangku panjang.

"Kayanya yg dikardus enak nich ...!!!" tulis akun tersebut dalam caption fotonya.

Namun, ada satu hal yang membuat warganet salah fokus.

Pandangan mereka terpaku pada kemeja yang dikenakan oleh Slamet.

Terlihat Slamet mengenakan dua kemeja.

Berikut ini beberapa komentar warganet yang salah fokus.

@opicx_elghona, "Salfok shirts inside the shirt min gw,"

@yusufiadami, "Shirt didalem shirt,"

@ amay.we33 "Her dating euyy ... Tp ko her cute cute dress d dump .."

@pnielamangasi "Ane focus to his guy .. anjirrr pake his shirt double"

@ vivi9745 "Anjayyyy his double shirt"

Here is the photo in question.

As is known, the story of Slamet became viral after he applied for Grandmother Rohaya who was 65 years older than him.

The reason this teen makes many people sympathetic.

The reason is, the feeling arises when Slamet was treated for months by Grandma Rohaya.

At that time, he was stricken with malaria and had to be treated for a whole month.

"I do not know if my lips will not be there, he is the one who takes care of me We are married there is no coercion We are both in love," said Slamet.

Meanwhile, Rohaya justify if Slamet was the first to ask her to marry.

At first he hesitated, but after hearing Slamet's explanation, the seven-headed grandmother accepted it.

"He said love died, we both love," said Rohaya in the future if there is a capital will be gardening rice.

While not yet this they will as usual take gardening wages.

"We are married there is no compulsion.We love each other and love.After this marriage we will stay in this house, my children are married and not stay at home anymore," he said.
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